Library Cooking Programs for Kids, Teens and Adults

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Library Cooking Programs for Kids, Teens and Adults
[text-box] [h1]Library Cooking Programs[/h1]
Library Cooking Program
Euless Public Library 2017

Library cooking programs are hot! Chefsville’s excitement about our library cooking programs is contagious. It doesn’t matter if a library has a commercial or a residential style kitchen. Chefsville can put on a library cooking program with simple facilities and minimal furnishing such as tables, trashcans and access to a sink.

Chefsville’s Library Cooking programs start out where participants are sent to the cookbook section of the library, the famous 640s section. Kids explore the variety of books available such as ingredient books, cultural cooking, recipe books and technique methods.

Library Cooking Program
Grapevine Public Library

We have plenty of programming ideas for your kitchen space that center around what we call “food literacy”. We have programs such as Math Chefs, Science Chefs, Space Chefs, and a host of other language arts and social study programs to connect people with cooking.

Ideas List for Library Cooking Programs:

Is your library looking for a chef to teach about health and nutrition? Chefsville calls this program “Chefs move to libraries”. Each week there are new medical and nutrition surveys that contain important news that can benefit your patrons.

[unordered] [line]For the community, we can also conduct a health food competition and heat up some competition where the library is the center of focus.[/line] [line]Would you like to see a community discussion on picky eaters, or food insecurity with personal support?[/line] [line]Kids can have a chance to create dishes and variations at the Library.[/line] [line]Or Chefsville can provide a program discussing and making international foods is available.[/line] [/unordered]

Library Fundraising

[unordered] [line]Libraries are fantastic places for a community cookbook for library fundraising can be a wonderful project[/line] [line]Recipe Swap – where families drop in their favorite recipes. Kids can take these home and do variations. Or how about an adult or senior recipe exchange/club? It will be a lively time at the library on this event[/line] [/unordered]
Library Cooking Program
Euless Public Library 2017
[h2]Ideas for our Library Cooking programs[/h2] [unordered] [line]Participants are engaged when new ingredients, equipment and cooking techniques are demonstrated. [/line] [line]Explore hobbies such as baking, canning, preserving, pickling, making jams or cheese making.[/line] [line]For the pet, how about making doggie treats.[/line] [line]Design your own cooking demonstration or preparing kids for college cooking. How about a scouting badge work, sometimes the troops are too big for a home kitchen.[/line] [line]Using computers and technology, Chefsville can conduct a program helping patrons learn about local and sustainable farming and food agriculture.[/line] [/unordered]
Library Cooking Program
Euless Public Library
[h2]Go on an adventure with Chefsville![/h2] [unordered][line]Tweens love our library cooking programs.[/line][line]For story time, Chefsville becomes an animated village with many interesting characters and stories.[/line] [line]Kids love these programs because they get to explore and discover.[/line] [line]How about Dinner and a movie? We have kids make a creation, and they watch a movie. [/line][/unordered]
Library Cooking Program
Euless Public Library 2017

Libraries are amazing places to learn. Chefsville wants to be part of your library and has plenty of programs to choose from. Library cooking programs are on the rise. Chefsville has been delivering Library  Cooking Programs for 9 years now.  Libraries have a special place for Chefsville and we want to bring the community to you.



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